Rent a CPM machine
CPM stands for “continuous passive motion” and represents a globally established form of therapy. The affected or operated joint is treated with the help of a motorized device that moves the joint in a passive manner. The extent of the movement is freely adjustable.

Quicker recovery after hip and knee surgeries
Independent treatment at home for several hours a day by passive movement of the joint from the first day!
Starting the therapy
In order to maximize the positive effects of CPM therapy on the healing process after surgery on joints or after joint injuries, it should be started as early as possible. In the early phase after surgery and injuries, active, muscular movement exercises are often not yet possible. Wound pain also prevents active exercises. A complete immobilization of the joint or the entire extremity would lead to sticking and restricted movement.
Positive Effects of a CPM therapy:
- Reduce joint stiffness and movement deficits
- Accelerate healing on tendons and ligaments
- Minimize muscle breakdown
- Improve the metabolism of joints and cartilage
- Improve blood and lymph circulation
- Reduce the risk of thrombosis and embolism
- Shorten the hospital stay and the total duration of the rehabilitation
CPM – a supplement to classic physiotherapy:
Treatment with CPM device is not an isolated form of treatment, but is part of an overall therapy concept both in the hospital and on an outpatient basis. CPM therapy is used in conjunction with physiotherapy or occupational therapy but cannot replace them. A characteristic of continuous passive movement therapy is the adjustment of the range of motion within the pain-free area.
Our CPM Rental Service
TOM-Mallorca offers a rental service for a CPM decvice, irrespective if you have been treated or operated on by us. The CPM device can be picked up from us or delivered to the patient’s home for an additional charge. The device is freely available to patients for the duration of the outpatient rental.
Send us a rental request
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Our therapies at a glance


Stem cell therapy

Infiltration therapy

Hyaluronic Acid Therapy





4T-Magnetic field therapy

Shock wave therapy