We offer special therapy services in our practice in order to be able to cover all spectrums of orthopedics and traumatology. We are primarily guided by the latest research results and successful studies on various clinical pictures and their treatment options.
Our therapies at a glance

PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma and is obtained from your own blood, which is why the treatment is sometimes referred to as autohemotherapy.

Stem cell therapy
When used therapeutically, stem cells are able to support and improve the body’s own regeneration.

Infiltration therapy
In infiltration therapy, a local anesthetic (possibly also a drug) is injected to reduce the patient’s pain.

Hyaluronic Acid Therapy
Hyaluronic acid is deposited in the body’s own articular cartilage and improves the nutrition and metabolism of the cartilage cells.

Shock wave therapy
In shock wave therapy, pressure waves are used that propagate through the tissue and induce a biological remodeling of the tissue through stimulation.

Diathermy therapy uses high-frequency electromagnetic waves to generate targeted heat in body tissue.

Osteoarthritis and musculoskeletal disorders are among the most important causes of pain and disability and have a major impact on quality of life.

Monocytes are cells present in the blood that are essential in the process of tissue regeneration. They can promote regeneration and repair of various tissues.

The Chrondofiller is a novel acellular collagen implant for the treatment of cartilage defects and by means of which the regeneration of the cartilage is promoted.

4T-Magnetic field therapy
The treatment with pulsating electromagnetic fields has a positive effect on the body. This relieves pain and stimulates the healing process.

Rent a CPM
With the help of the CPM, independent treatment can be carried out at home for several hours a day by passively moving the joint from day one!