(+34) 971 90 52 02 info@tom-mallorca.com


Outpatient treatment

We are a private orthopedic and traumatological practice. Billing is based on the German fee schedule for doctors (GOÄ). Direct billing is only possible with the Spanish private insurance company “Mutua General de Catalunya” (only possible in our practice in Palma).

Surgery and inpatient treatments

Patients with German health insurance

German private health insurance companies generally bear the costs for all necessary operations and measures. If required, you will receive a detailed cost estimation of the treatment from us. We can apply for direct coverage of the entire treatment costs with many German private health insurers.

Patients with spanish private health insurance (DKV, AXA, MAPFRE, SANITAS, Adeslas …..)

In case of planned surgeries and inpatient treatments, the costs for all hospital services and material costs are requested from the patient’s insurance company and usually covered 100%. The medical fee for the treating physician are usually not covered and will be invoiced to the patient. The patient than can get reimbursed by his insurance company depending on his special tariff (Reembolso).

Patients with international health insurance (BUPA, travel insurance, boat insurance …)

In case of planned surgeries and inpatient treatments, the costs for all hospital services and material costs are requested from the patient’s insurance company and usually covered 100%. Depending on the special insurance tariff, direct billing with the insurance can be carried out.

Do you have a question regarding billing? Or would you like to rent a CPM splint? Write us!

Your consent to privacy

13 + 14 =

Our practice

+34 971 90 52 02

+34 634 843 000 (Emergency)


Camí dels Reis 308, 3°, Palma, Mallorca, Spain

Office hours

Monday – Friday: 9.00 am – 6.00 pm

in August: 9.00 am – 4.00 pm